Shambhavi Thakur

Articles about artificial intelligence, deep learning, and instructional design

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Quantum Mechanics Unveiled: A Comprehensive Student's Guide to the Subatomic World Shambhavi Thakur |
Explore the fascinating world of quantum mechanics, a fundamental branch of physics that describes the universe at microscopic scales. Learn about quantum particles, wave-particle duality, quantum entanglement, superposition, uncertainty principle, and quantization of energy and how they shape our understanding of the subatomic world.
Functions and Modules in Python: Writing Reusable and Organized Code Shambhavi Thakur |

Are you tired of writing the same Python code over and over again? Do you copy and paste the same lines of code from one script to another, resulting in a confusing mess of files and functions?

Predicting the Year a Song was Released [PyTorch] Shambhavi Thakur |
In this article, we will first learn about a few distinguishing features of PyTorch. Next, we will use PyTorch to build a deep-learning model that can predict the year a song was released.
What Is Machine Learning? Shambhavi Thakur |
In this article, we will learn what machine learning is. We will also understand how machine learning is implemented and learn about the categories into which machine learning is divided. This article sets the groundwork for subsequent articles where we will work on machine-learning projects.